“I am enough”
its not just a word its feeling, I felt it for the 1st time when I was left alone with on present, and no future hope and that moment I felt I need no one, but “I am enough” and I resumed and took a path that leads to nowhere but to make me the one I am today.

Who am I ?
Just a women next door, just a working women, just an entrepreneur, just a mom. I am just like all of you and working hard to earn the lively hood like you all do. But I still feel one thing inside me and that is the strength my inner soul gives me to keep going whether there is anyone standing with me or not. Whatever the situation is I believe in keep going.

Life is full of roller coaster rides, and most of the time we are alone and our friends relatives relations all leave us as said materialistic world but the one thing stays with us is “Me” and that what makes us strong and make us keep going and led us succeed and overcome all situations in life.

This is what I learned from my life, and this is what I do, walk towards my goal, towards my success, sometimes stuck, sometimes stressed, sometimes upset but yet strong and “I am enough”